
Best Taxi Service from Dehradun to Tehri

New Tehri is a city and a municipal board in Tehri Garhwal District in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. It is the administrative seat of Tehri Garhwal District. This urban municipality area has 11 wards, from Vidhi Vihar to Vishwakarma Puram (Koti colony).

The Tehri Dam is the highest dam in India and one of the highest in the world. It is a multi-purpose rock and earth-fill embankment dam on the Bhagirathi River near Tehri in Uttarakhand, India.

Bhilangna River is a Himalayan river in Uttarakhand, India, which is the major tributary of the Bhagirathi river, the source stream of the Ganges River of India. Bhilangana is a combination of Bhil and Ganga.

Chamba is a town and a hill station in Tehri Garhwal district in the state of Uttarakhand, India.

Kanatal is a small village and a hill station in the state of Uttarakhand, India. Kanatal is 78 km from Dehradun (capital of the State Uttarakhand), 38 km from Mussoorie and 12 km from Chamba. It is on the Chamba-Mussoorie road and nearly 300 km from Delhi.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the travel distance from Dehradun to Tehri?

A: The travel distance from Dehradun to New Tehri is approximately 76 Kms. It takes around 2 hr 6 mins (appx.).

Q: Are toll taxes included in taxi charges from Dehradun to Tehri?

A: When you book a Dehradun to New Tehri taxi, the charges are inclusive of fuel, driver allowance and GST where are as toll and parking charges are excluded.

Q: What types of vehicles are available for booking?

A: Our diverse fleet includes various options, from comfortable sedans to spacious SUVs, providing you with choices to match your preferences and group size.

Q: Does price includes Driver charges and Night charges?

A: Yes, price includes Driver charges and Night charges.

Q: Do I need to make payment in advance to book Dehradun to Tehri cab?

You will need to pay just 10-20% amount in advance for booking Dehradun to Tehri cab.

Q: Do I need to carry any ID proof to avail cab services on Cabz4u?

A: Yes, you need to carry a photo ID proof to help the driver identify you at the time of check-in.

Q: Is there customer support available in case I encounter any issues during my journey?

A: Absolutely! Our customer support team is available around the clock to address any concerns or issues you may encounter. Your satisfaction is our priority.

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